Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nadal or Federer?

Whispers Dick Enberg at the Australian Open: "How can you choose between two class acts? Federer, potentially the greatest of all time. Nadal, the fiery Spaniard. I say root for both of them."

Don't be a Dick.

It's a rivalry. You can't root for the Red Sox and the Yankees, the Celtics and the Lakers, or Kobe Bryant and women's rights. Or Jason Kidd and women's rights. Or Ron Artest and women's rights. Or Ricky Davis and winning.

I'll give you four good reasons to pick Nadal.

1. Federer is not the greatest ever.

I don't care how many majors he wins. This says it all:

Federer is in his prime. Nadal is in his prime. Nadal dominates Federer. Nadal's career record is 13-6 against Federer, 11-4 in tournament finals. But it's worse that that: Federer is afraid of Nadal. In the picture, Federer's not down because he lost the Australian Open. He's won it three or four times already. He's scared that he won't win another major because he can't beat Nadal. He's scared that his reign is over. You're not the greatest if another guy is better than you. Period.

Point two is really a corollary of the first point or perhaps an explanation for the first point.

2. Federer is a mental marshmallow.

He's more talented than Nadal; his game is unreal. Mesmerizing. Until the going gets tough. Then he makes a smooth transition from smoking forehand winners to spraying souvenirs into the stands. And he gets what I call the "crash-and-burn-teenage-Olympic-gymnast" look. Sans Federer, you would only see this once every four years when some poor prepubescent girl, who's spent every waking hour of her probably less than 13 years on the planet doing cartwheels and flips while a middle-aged, humorless Eastern European man with a handlebar mustache criticizes her every misstep, wobbles and falls from a six-inch wide beam. Before she fades into anonymity, the Olympic-quality cameramen are sure to capture this girl's reaction and we viewers are treated to the galling sight of a child who somehow subconsciously knows she's past her prime; that she's likely to pass 60lbs and 5'0'' by the time the next games rolls around and thus she'll be unable to compete with the lighter, more aerodynamic 8-year-olds to whom mustache-man has already turned his attention; that, by all standards that matter to her at this stage of her life (and this stage only, we hope), she couldn't cut the mustard.

That was Federer in the above picture. But, what's more telling, he gave us a preview in the third set tie break, right before he had to serve to stay in the set, down 6-3. You could see him think: "Oh no. I, the great Roger Federer, just lost three straight points. I am about to lose this set, and, short of Nadal's leg falling off, there's no way I can win two straight sets against this guy. My girlfriend is surprisingly unattractive given the amount of money and fame I have*." He double-faulted, and the rest played out like he thought.

In stark contrast, point number three:

3. Nadal is a freaking bulldog.

He never says die/plays until the final whistle/has no quit in him/doesn't count his chickens before they hatch/a penny saved is a penny earned. You get the idea. By the way, he might win more majors then Federer (he has 6, Federer had 2 at an equivalent age).

4. Nadal's style is ultra-cool whereas Federer's is just pompous.

The "RF" crested white suit and matching man-purse have got to go. But keep the handkerchief to mop up those tears (snap).

Do a Google image search for Nadal. His outfits are awesome. Most incorporate some 80's fluorescence. I must say I'm disappointed the capris and and cutoff T combo is a thing of the past. He also never gives the teenage-gymnast look. He has an angry pirate look he uses when he's fired up.

So, if you like teenage gymnasts and manpurses (menpurse? manpursi?), pick RF. If you like the 80's and pirates (or just don't like the Federer things), pick Nadal.

*I have great respect for Federer sticking by his girl in spite of the fame and money. And she's not unattractive. I just find it surprising that a guy as into himself as RF doesn't flood his box with bombshell gold-diggers. Classy move, Rog. But it doesn't redeem you for choking every time a worthy opponent gives you a decent match.

Check back soon for an addendum regarding why Rod Laver might be the greatest tennis player of all time.

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